Thursday, November 18, 2021

5 Steps to a Healthy Smile

For many people, an ideal smile is a mouth full of bright white, perfectly aligned teeth. But in addition to straight white teeth, you need to make sure that your smile is a healthy one.

The team at TLS Orthodontics have put together an easy to follow, 5 step guide, so that you can be sure that your smile is the picture of health.

Step 1. Brush your Teeth Twice a Day - Brushing removes leftover food particles that can bond with saliva to form plaque. These particles feed the bacteria that naturally live in our mouths and these bacteria can eat through our tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled brush to keep plaque at bay.

Step 2. Floss Once a Day - Flossing removes plaque between teeth and out from under the gumlines. If left alone, plaque and tartar build up under the surface of the gumlines can cause periodontal disease, which leads to bone destruction and tooth loss.

Step 3. Maintain a Healthy Diet - Good nutrition provided by healthy foods help your bones and teeth grow and stay healthy. While sugary treats are great occasionally, the bacteria in our mouths thrive on sugar, eating too many can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet combined with regular brushing and flossing can help keep the bacteria under control. Focus on eating healthy fruits and vegetables as often as possible to promote healthy teeth and gums.

Step 4. Stay Hydrated - Water is the healthiest drink for your smile and your body. Drinking water helps rinse teeth clean and discourages tooth decay. Not only that…but keeping your body hydrated helps your mouth produce enough saliva to keep your mouth and teeth clean.

Step 5. See Your Dentist Twice a Year - Regular dental visits are necessary to preserving your oral health. Having routine cleanings every six months helps to promote good oral health and a beautiful smile. Your dentist can examine your mouth and address any potential issues while your hygienist can professionally clean your teeth and gums to remove any plaque. Regular dental checkups are the key to maintaining a healthy smile.

It can take some time before you start noticing changes from improved oral hygiene. While these changes won’t come overnight, they are certainly worth the time and effort, both for the sake of your smile and your overall health. If you have any questions regarding the health of your teeth and mouth, do not hesitate to call our office.


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