Thursday, May 26, 2022

Handling Orthodontic Emergencies

True orthodontic emergencies are incredibly rare. However, orthodontic issues may arise while you are at home. While true emergencies, such as trauma to the mouth may require visit the emergency room, there are many issues that can be managed from home until you are able to make it into our office.

At TSL Orthodontics, we want our patients to be informed of problems that may occur, and understand how to solve them, at least temporarily. With the tools and supplies listed below, you will be prepared to handle the most common orthodontic issues at home.

  • Dental Floss 
  • Interproximal Brush 
  • Non-prescription Pain Reliever 
  • Orthodontic Wax 
  • Q-tips 
  • Salt 
  • Topical Anesthetic (such as Orabase or Ora-Gel) 
  • Tweezers

Below are some typical orthodontic issues and how you can solve them at home.

Sore Teeth or Gums - It is normal to have some initial discomfort during orthodontic treatment as your teeth move. Rinsing your mouth with a cup of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt and taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, may alleviate this discomfort. If the discomfort lasts longer than a couple of days, give our office a call.

Minor irritations and canker sores will heal more quickly if you apply Zylactin or Orabase according to the manufacturer's directions. Zylactin or Orabase can be purchased over the counter at most pharmacies.

If food becomes stuck between your teeth, use dental floss or a proxy brush to dislodge the food. If you cut your gums, tongue, or the inside of your cheek, apply finger pressure to the bleeding site for several minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, call your family dentist or our office.

Poking Archwires - If a wire is causing irritation, push the wire away from the irritated area using the eraser end of a pencil or a Q-tip. If the wire cannot be tucked away, cover the end of the wire with a small piece of wax or a cotton ball until you are able to make an appointment for an adjustment.

If the main wire has come out of the tube on the back tooth, attempt to reinsert the wire with a pair of tweezers. If the wire is sticking you, place a piece of wax over the area. As a last resort, if you cannot come into our office, the wire can be cut with fingernail clippers close to the back of the last brace.

Loose Brackets - If a bracket becomes loose, it usually remains connected to the main wire by a little colored rubber ring or a small steel ligature tie. Tweezers can be used to reposition the brace if it flips around the wire and becomes a source of irritation. Call our office and inform us of the problem. If a piece of your braces break, save the piece and call our office to schedule a repair visit.

Even though you are careful, you may occasionally damage your braces or orthodontic appliance. While there are steps you can take to temporarily fix or alleviate discomfort and prevent additional damage, you should always notify our office if you have any issues or concerns.

There will be normal, day-to-day discomfort associated with wearing braces, if you have any questions about your orthodontic treatment, or if you think you may have a true orthodontic emergency, don’t hesitate to call our Greenville, MS orthodontic office…We are here help!


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Handling Orthodontic Emergencies

Theresa L. Skelton Orthodontics True orthodontic emergencies are incredibly rare. However, orthodontic issues may arise while you are at hom...