Monday, February 25, 2019

3 Benefits of a Straight Smile

1. Healthy Gums, Healthy Life: Having healthy gums is a health aspect that everyone should have and so easy to obtain. Healthy gums are also the foundation to a healthy smile, inside and out. Your health is all related, from your mouth to your heart, to your entire body and your gums are an essential foundation. When teeth are spaced out or crowded, it’s possible for gums to be inflamed, which can lead to periodontal disease. Straight teeth aligns your gums to fit well around your teeth.

2. Easier to Clean: When teeth are straight, it is much easier to clean between them. Your oral hygiene becomes easier to maintain, such as flossing.

3. Decrease Risk of Tooth Injury:  Crowded, protruding upper teeth are more likely to be broken in the event of an accident, such as playing sports or during an accidental fall.

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